What is silestone countertops and what are its advantages

Over time, silestone has become popular with professionals in the field of architecture, and can be applied in almost any type of environment. With this, bringing much more life to the decoration of the rooms. Silestone countertops can be the best product you choose.

However, knowing the origin of a material is also to understand its advantages and peculiarities to explain later to your customer. Therefore, we have separated some information about this famous material and its applicability.

sitestone kitchen countertops

Origin and advantages

What few know is that silestone is a brand created by the Spanish company Consetino, an organization that produces technological surfaces for the world of architecture. This material is created from natural quartz together with other compounds, such as glass and metals.

One of the biggest characteristics of this type of material is its smooth and textureless surface, being also one of the several advantages of using silestone, because its durability and resistance is one of the greatest among the other stones in the decoration.

Another benefit of silestone is the great variety that the piece can provide to the environment, as it offers endless possibilities of colors.

Silestone countertops est app inspirations

If you need to add colors to that black and white project, know that silestone is the right choice for this mission, as the different shades can help add more personality to the decor.

Therefore, we have separated some ideas to inspire you when designing that incredible room for your client.

Silestone countertops for kitchen

The silestone is ideal for coloring the environment, as the tones also help in the transition to a more harmonious climate in the room.

The orange tone represents energy and spirit, transmitting creativity when preparing that recipe for the whole family.

Silestone countertops for bench

Personality is not lacking when choosing a red silestone countertop.

The red tone when added to the kitchen refers to the appetite, so you can abuse this color in the kitchen.

Silestone countertops for bathroom

The blue color is widely used by decoration professionals in bathrooms and bedrooms, as it conveys tranquility and serenity. Therefore, using silestone in blue color can be an important detail for your client’s relaxation.

Silestone countertops for dining table

Who said that the dining table needs to be bland? Creating links between the main details in the decoration can be an important point to highlight the main kitchen utensils. This can occur as in the photo, where the red counter is subtly matching the silestone table.

Now that you know the main advantages of silestone, how about checking out some inspirations for marble sinks in bathrooms? Access the link and get first-rate references.

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