When it comes to finishes, style and good taste are the watchwords to enhance architectural design. Versatility, longevity, resistance, practicality and sophistication are some of the characteristics that an architect should look for when choosing the material to use in the finishing of his projects.

Marble and granite are sure choices when used in kitchens, floors, bathrooms and facades, for example. But that’s not all: they have become important decorative elements that fit into any space, be it in residential or commercial projects.

In this post we list 6 reasons that will convince you to include this type of finish in your projects. Want to know what they are? Continue reading and check it out!

1. Totally natural beauty

Marble and granite are natural stones of singular beauty, as their cuts have unique shades and designs. Thanks to nature, the countless variety of textures and colors of marble and granite means that no two pieces are the same, which guarantees environments where an almost exclusive luxurious look is used.

2. They will always be timeless

If there is something that will never happen to a project that includes marble and granite, it is going out of style. Much of their charm and charm is the timelessness of these materials. They are considered noble stones that never fall out of use. At the same time that they are totally original, they carry history and refinement.

3. Built to last

Unlike finishes like wood, ceramics and tiles, granite and marble suffer much less with the action of time. These materials help – and a lot – to value architectural projects because, among other reasons, they do not require constant changes and have unquestionable durability.

4. Simple care

In order for these types of stones to always remain beautiful and well maintained, it is important to pay attention to cleaning and maintenance.

The difference is that there are no complications for this: sweeping with a soft broom and using a damp cloth with mild soap solve the problem. No chemicals, bleach and complex recipes.

5. Rewarding cost-benefit ratio

Including marble and granite in a project directly interferes with the cost-benefit ratio of the project.

Compared to other materials, their prices may even appear to make the overall cost more expensive, but their resistance and low maintenance costs make them economical in the long run.

6. Use in the appropriate places

In order for these materials to have a long useful life and always remain beautiful, know where to use them.

Marble, for example, has a lower resistance to water absorption and, therefore, its use is highly recommended in floors and internal walls. Granite, on the other hand, has greater physical resistance to both impacts and moisture, so its use is recommended in kitchen countertops and in outdoor areas.

EXTRA TIP:  a good architect attests to his recognition in the market creating bold, sophisticated projects that value the quality of all recommended materials. Therefore, it is essential to recommend marble shops that meet expectations around the desired result.

Now that you know that marble and granite are amazing materials for coatings and finishes, comment on this post and tell us how else they can value architectural projects.

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