5 Marble Countertop Ideas for Your Kitchen

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marble kitchen countertops in new jersey

Beauty, sophistication and durability are characteristics of kitchen countertops made of marble.

Many people point to the kitchen as the best room in the house; the heart of the house. The justification is that around the stove, where affection is transmitted by food, friends and family gather for a good conversation. And for that reason, there is nothing more fair than investing in a kitchen countertop, well planned and designed according to your taste. To help you, we have separated 5 ideas for making a marble countertop in your kitchen and guaranteeing beauty, sophistication and durability for this very special space in your home. But before we pass on the tips, know a little more about marble.

Why use marble?
Marble is a noble material, with high durability that carries the symbols of luxury and sophistication. Used since the Roman empire, the material can be used in civil construction and also as an artistic raw material, since it is possible to sculpt beautiful sculptures.

Unlike granite, which has many veins with more textured aspects, marble has a more homogeneous appearance and its veins are longer and better demarcated.

5 marble tips for your kitchen countertop
Check now three options for those who want a kitchen counter with more neutral colors or who prefer colors to be in evidence in decorative objects.

  1. GRAY WHITE MARBLE: it is white with gray veins.
  2. SUPER NANO MARBLE: it is a type of very white marble with almost no vein. It can be used both indoors and outdoors.
  3. GREEN WHITE MARBLE: It has greenish veins well marked along the stone.

Already the two options below, are for those who want a color a little more striking on the bench, but without leaving aside the beauty. In the two stones that we indicate, the brownish tone is beautiful not only in the kitchen but in several parts of the house.

  1. SILESTONE MARBLE: it has lighter brown tones.
  2. TRAVERTINE MARBLE: brown is stronger and more striking than the previous one. It has high resistance and is indicated for indoor environments.

With its striking feature, marble is one of the best options for those who want to invest in quality stone for their project. Whether for those with a more traditional or daring taste, marble appeals to all types of people. To know the tones of all the marbles in this article and other stones, click here!

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